No Child Without - Charity No. 1152609
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Benidorm or Bust!!!

Alien Bobs mission to get to Benidorm has been completed!!! Our travelling alien heros arrived safely in Benidorm and, as well as raising  oney for No Child Withou, they also won 3rd place for the best car!!!!! We would certainly have awarded you first place!!!

It looks as if our alien friends had a blast on the way and they are now adding up the exact amount raised. 

Thank you so much. You are defineitely'out of this world'!!


This year, parents and friends of Passmores Academy will be taking part in the Benidorm or Bust challenge.

Their aim is to purchase, modify and drive a vehicle all the way to Benidorm in the name of raising money for charity.

Mr Lavelle, who has children at Passmores is heading up this team and has kindly selected 'No Child Without' as the charity that they will be raising money for.

Keep up to date with their progress on our website.

Good luck and thank you for your support!!!